Research News
1. Participation in the Tehran International Nano Exhibition (October 2018)
2. Participating in the 40th Anniversary of the University (May 2018)
3. Installation of the DLS machine (2018)
4. Opening of new laboratories in the Institute (Year 2018) (DLS lab, electrochemical, contact angle)
5- Participating in the Opportunity Exhibition (Year 2017)
6- Participating in the Nano Expo in Tehran (Year 2017)
7. Installing of double-distilled water distillation plant (Year 2017)
8. Installation the ultraviolet spectrophotometer (Year 2017)
9. Seminar "Application of Electrospray Prepared Particles as a Delivery System for the Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases" (Year 2016).
10. Installation the optical microscope (Year 2015)
11. Installing the needle-less electric appliance (Year 2015)